Claudia Marker-Braß und Mike Michels

CHANCES inspires change

The consultants at CHANCES themselves spent many years working as senior managers or executives in international organisations. They know the day-to-day challenges that have to be overcome. And so they focus solely on practical solutions that are effective over the long term.

They see ‘crisis’ situations as a chance to enhance the development of people and organisations: they bring a sophisticated approach to designing training and strategies. In a dialogue-oriented process and a confidential setting, CHANCES consultants get right to the heart of the matter, find the underlying core problem and inspire different ways of thinking. Our consultants are facilitators who see things through the eyes of managers and executives, guiding them towards different angles of thought and opening up new opportunities.

Claudia Marker-Braß Chances

Claudia Marker-Braß
Consultant, trainer and humanist

An experienced consultant and trainer (also Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst, TSTA-O) holding qualifications in a wide range of fields, Claudia Marker-Braß joined CHANCES after a 20-year career working at German and international organizations. Since 2010 she has jointly run the coaching and training company CHANCES with Mike Michels, designing specialist development and training programmes. Using these programmes, Claudia Marker-Braß supports companies, executives and global organisations in their development and growth processes. She is currently involved in various projects, including: leadership development programmes, coaching, follow-up support for structural changes in organisations, as well as advising German SMEs with company locations abroad.


Career at a glance

  • After graduating, spent 14 years as senior executive at an advanced training institute, with responsibility for corporate management, employee management and the development of training and advanced training products
  • Total of 20 years of organisational consulting, coaching and coaching supervision with successful advising and support for organisations, executives and trainers in learning and development processes.
  • Since 2010: Became Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA-O) and set up CHANCES
  • Current: Managing director, consultant and trainer

What influences and informs my work:

“In 1992 I started on my route to becoming a consultant and trainer, and got interested in systemic transactional analysis. The international training culture and the humanistic view of human beings still define my approach as a consultant and Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA-O). This basis also informs the work I do in my international projects and my dealings with different (organisational) cultures. In 2010, I began looking for models that defined how personality development could be “measured” and enhanced in a more targeted way. I had already realised that personal level of maturity can be a far greater factor behind successful managers and consultants than the theoretical principles. Inspired by the studies of Jane Loevinger and Robert Kegan, I finally began my training as an “ego-development consultant” with Dr Thomas Binder. This enables me to complement my understanding of the importance of ego development for transformation and cultural change processes in companies.”

Mike Michels Chances

Mike Michels
Consultant, executive coach and keynote speaker

Since the beginning of 2000, Mike Michels has worked as a consultant, coach and keynote speaker for executives at German and foreign companies, including many on the Fortune Global 500 Companies list. Mike Michels led change processes and leadership development programs for these companies, as well as supporting the development of teams and divisions. Since 2010, he has formed one half of the core consultancy team at CHANCES alongside Claudia Marker Braß. Like his co-founder colleague, Mike Michels’ keen interest in this role lies in the further development of the personal maturity level of managers in change processes. Mike Michels advises top managers, executives and management teams – with all the personal opportunities and limitations associated therewith – and equips them with the ability to act more effectively in cultural and change processes.

Career at a glance

  • Manager at global companies for many years
  • Executive for an international management team at a European company with over 100 locations, responsible for improving the company’s competitive edge in its own globalised market through ongoing sustainable leadership and organisational development
  • 17 years’ experience as an organisational consultant, coach and supervisor for organisations and executives in development processes
  • 2010: founded CHANCES
  • Current: Managing director, consultant, trainer and coach

What influences and informs my work:

“Back when I was studying, I was already exploring the skills and expertise necessary for managers in view of the complex requirements involved. In the course of my own professional development, I finally became aware that it is not so much a case of learning new skills than of understanding that the “ego” constructs its own reality. Since then I have been exploring and examining the “constructions of reality” of the people I advise: I support them in the form of a sparring partner and help them eliminate self-imposed limitations so that they can finally act more effectively in their role as managers. As a team, Claudia Fountain and I support international companies and executives in development and growth processes. My work here focuses on the implementation of leadership development programs, coaching top managers and advising management teams. I gain inspiration and strength from my interest in people, anything that is new or uncertain and from my confidence in the ability to create functioning relationships and systems.”